Simplify To Succeed

This blog is about healthy habits that get results!

healthy habits that get resultsI’m here to help you learn how to make more informed choices. Choices that build better habits. Sustainable habits that develop into healthy disciplines that get results.


I realize that’s a mouthful.

And it may sound complicated, or perhaps even intimidating.

Especially if you’ve tried and failed at getting into better shape in the past. Or have lost weight, only to gain it back again (and then some).

So you’re here because you want to take control of your health & wellness. That’s great!

My goal is to simplify the process to help you succeed at winning this battle. And when you do, you will have the knowledge and ability to maintain great health for as long as you live.

No more stressing about weight gain and bigger sizes. Instead, your focus will shift to pride in your accomplishment, and celebration of your new healthy & fit lifestyle.


You will have conquered the battle of the bulge, forever

According to PR Web, the “US weight-loss market” generates over $60 billion a year in revenue.

Over $60 billion a year? WHAT???

This would lead you to believe that a lot of people are being helped. And slimming down from this massive amount that’s being spent.

So then why are two-thirds of Americans over-weight or obese?

Doesn’t anyone else find it ironic that the majority of marketing messages and advertising campaigns are focused on fast food and diet plans? And prescriptions to fix all of your ailments.

quick fix supplements do not promote healthy habits

Quick fix at its finest!

But your need to look past the marketing hype, and not believe most of what you’re being fed. And instead, pay attention to the abysmal weight-loss results. And long list of “pharma” side effects.

So that you’re never “deceived” again.

Think about it… With all that’s being spent every year, why is this staggering statistic of over-weight Americans is still holding steady?

Here’s the short answer. There is too much information about diets and weight loss. It’s so confusing. Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to sell you their “all new” diet plan, that’s guaranteed to work.

So who do you believe?

Well first, I wouldn’t buy into any of these quick-fix weight-loss diet scams. You don’t need them!

So then what do you do?

You simplify. And fix it yourself. By getting back to basics.

simplify to succeed for healthy habits that get resultsHere’s my advice: There are only a few things you need to do to improve your health and lose weight. These “few things” are all natural. There’s nothing new, and there’s nothing to buy.

You just need to understand what they are and stay consistent with them. Then ignore everything else and give yourself a little time.

The goal is to develop a few new habits that you can enjoy and integrate into your lifestyle.

No pills, special diets, or restrictive programs.

Just a strong desire, that’s backed by effort and commitment.

Simple, right? Yep!

Welcome to The 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality.

Welcome to The 6 Pillars To Better Health & Vitality for healthy habits

For the next 6 months, you will learn one new habit every month.

This equates to 6 new habits if you’re doing the math.

That’s doable, right?

Six sustainable healthy habits that get results, and last for a lifetime!

One new habit you can practice every day for the entire month. This approach will give you a laser focus on the basics, and contribute to your overall long-term success (and healthy lifestyle).

I want to make this as easy as possible for you to follow. But therein lies the big challenge. Because as Jim Rohn used to say, “What’s easy to do is easy not to do”.

So what’s the first habit?

The first habit is WATER. As in drinking more of it.

I want you to focus solely on drinking more water.

Yea, that’s it. At least 2 to 3 liters per day for the ladies. And at least 3 to 4 liters per day for the gents.

Sounds easy, right? Well it’s not, unless you intentionally focus on it and make it a priority.

Remember, that’s all you need to focus on (aside from your family, work, life, etc.).

I know what you’re probably thinking..

“That’s it? I thought we were going to lose weight. How’s this gonna help?”

It’s going to help way more than you realize at the moment.

We will develop 6 new habits that you will build on every month. Healthy habits that get results!

Are you with me on this? Think you can do it? Great, I know you can!

Let’s review: For the first 4 weeks, your entire focus is to drink the recommended amount of water, every day. Pure water. Not sugar-flavored or artificially sweetened. Just pure water.

drinking more water for healthy habits

To make this happen, you must keep it with you at all or most times. And learn to drink it even when you’re not thirsty.

The phrase out of sight, out of mind sums it up best. So don’t do that.

In addition to the positive benefits of drinking water and developing a new healthy habit, you will gain the satisfaction and momentum of accomplishing a new daily goal. Sweet…

And this new habit will help you stop drinking things like soda or sweet teas that are sabotaging your new healthy lifestyle.

Bottoms up!

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope you found value.

Now it’s time for YOU to take action…

What’s your Win to be Thin? Leave a comment below.

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