Are You Ready For Summer?

“Am I ready for summer? Huh?”


“Didn’t summer just end?” you ask. YEP

Did I mess up and post this at the wrong time of year? NOPE

Stay with me and this week’s message will become crystal clear.

Although the summer of 2016 recently ended, I’m asking about the summer of 2017 (or 2018).

So let me explain…

For many people, getting in shape is contemplated twice a year.

The first time is usually in January when there’s a focus on the new year ahead. This is where goals and resolutions are typically made. Where we proclaim that we’re going to:

  • Lose weight
  • Get in shape
  • Start exercising…

The second time is usually in the spring when the weather starts to improve. This is where thoughts like “Oh crap, I’ve got to get into a bathing suit in a month.” Or “Oh jeeze, how am I going to fit into that (suit or dress) for Niki & Chris’ wedding in July?”

Don’t fall into the common trap of making a vague, “fleeting” resolution on New Year’s Eve about losing weight this year. Or equally as important, don’t wait until April to get your ass in shape for Memorial Day.

These are unhealthy amateur moves (that don’t work!). So DON’T do them!

This is about your life.

Extreme diets or taking a cleanse in an attempt to drop 30 pounds by next month is ridiculous! But it happens every day unfortunately.

NEWSFLASH: It doesn’t help! That “quick-fix” crap is garbage. It’s an insult to your intelligence. And it’s killing you.

Sure, you might drop a quick 30. But now what?

Instead of falling into the quick-fix, immediate gratification trap, learn how to build your lifestyle around healthy habits that will have a long-term positive impact on your body, your quality of life, and your longevity.


Then you won’t have to worry about “getting in shape” because you’ll already be in great shape as a result of the healthy choices, habits, and disciplines you maintain.

So what does this healthy lifestyle look like?

It’s very simple. If you follow me or this blog, then you already know. For the benefit of new subscribers, let’s review.

I often write and talk about 3 main components of a healthy lifestyle. Let’s refer to these as The Health Triad.


Master these 3 things and you will never have to worry about your weight, ever again!

And you will feel better, look better, and live longer.

Looks too easy, right? To my friends and followers that struggle with weight issues, I know it’s not easy for you. But in all due respect, it’s not that hard either (once you know what to do).

Notice there’s no mention of diet or pills. “Why is that?” you ask.

Here’s why. If you focus on (consistently) improving your habits in these 3 areas, and give yourself time, you’ll be AMAZED at how much you can accomplish.

Learning what to do is easy. Sticking to it after the initial excitement or motivation wears off is more difficult. Consistency is key. And momentum is your friend. Remember The Compound Effect?

But how can you learn what to do? Especially with all of the marketing and advertising about the latest weight-loss program. It’s not only confusing, it’s distracting.

I get it. You’re looking for a solution and will do anything to find one.

I’m telling you that you don’t need a special diet. Although the billion-dollar “weight-loss” industry would disagree, and lead you to believe otherwise. By trying to convince you to spend hundreds of dollars every month on their specially-prepared meals.

Their sole focus is to help you achieve some short-term results (e.g. 10 pounds in your first week, 40 pounds in 30 days…), so they can promote it. And so you’ll continue buying their stuff every month.

You’ve seen the ads. You’ve heard the commercials. If their stuff worked, wouldn’t more people be thinner. But that’s not happening.

It’s time to


You don’t need them!

If you learn the basics of the Health Triad and focus on them every day, you’ll discover that it’s all about the choices you make, which influence the habits you build, that shape the disciplines you develop. And when you get it right, you will lose weight and you will get into the best shape of your life.

But here’s the problem. It’s hard in the beginning. It takes work. It also requires focus, discipline, effort, and time.

When results plateau, it becomes discouraging.

And too many people are into quick-fix. They want the results without the effort. And they want it now. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.

Here’s what I found works:

  • Learning how to eat clean with quality and nutritionally dense whole foods. This means good quality carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats with every meal. (Please don’t buy into the ‘carbs are the enemy’ myth.)
  • Making sure to exercise with intensity 3 to 5 days per week so you’re burning a lot of calories, building lean muscle, and strengthening your heart. (Yea, sorry but you’ve got to move, lift, and sweat.)
  • Getting 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep every night to restore, repair, and recharge. (Your body needs adequate rest.)

So, although summer is technically over, NOW is the time to start building the habits that will make a difference on your future. And determine whether it’s a healthy, long-term one; or not.

And hey, you may even look pretty good in a tee shirt or bathing suit a year from now. Wouldn’t that be cool…


Make the decision and start taking action today.

I hope you found value in this post.

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What’s your Win to be Thin?

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