Simplify To Succeed

You are here because you want to take control of your health & wellness, right? No small feat, but very doable. And on the scale of importance, hopefully it’s a 10 for you.

Well, that’s what your enthusiasm would lead others to believe based on your New Year’s resolution and heightened motivation.


So help me understand something. I know it’s a new year but when you look back, what have your actions been saying? You know, the daily choices and decisions you make.

Is this going to be the year you stick to your commitment and accomplish your health & wellness goal? Shockingly, 92% of resolutions fail. This reinforces the fact that actions do speak louder than words. So what’s different this time? Only you can answer this.

I say it’s time to channel your initial excitement into a simplified plan. One that will keep you engaged longer. Small sacrifices that return HUGE dividends when you stay consistent.

By staying connected to your goals longer, your odds for success skyrocket. It’s the ever-present “compound effect”. And YOU are in complete control of whether it’s working for or against you.

Oh, I’m sorry. You say…

  • You’re too busy.
  • What, you’re going to start next month?
  • Oh, you’re not sure what to do?
  • Did you say you’re too tired?

Too bad! You need to lose your excuse.

“If you change your choices, you will change your life.” ~ John Dolan

I have an idea. You need something to help you break the inertia. Or the sabotaging habits that are weighing you down.

Some just need to start. Others have started but aren’t getting any results. And still others are in a starting and stopping pattern.

None of these scenarios are good, but the yo-yo can be the most frustrating. You start to see results, but derail yourself and throw it all away. After you rack up a few of these cycles, you’ll start to convince yourself that it’s just not possible for you.

Wrong answer! Just about anything is possible if you figure out exactly what you want and are willing to pay the price to get it.


But first, you have to SIMPLIFY to succeed.

This blog is about health & wellness. Specifically healthy aging & longevity. Aimed at helping you make better choices. Enabling you to develop healthy habits that get results.

Here’s the bottom line. If you eat clean and exercise with intensity, you will get lean. And you’ll probably live longer too. But that’s kind of vague.

So I want to clarify to help you understand. And simplify to make it easier for you to take action.

There are only a handful of things you need to do to improve your health & wellness.

And I realize there is way too much information in the media and cyberspace. This is not only overwhelming. It can be immobilizing.


In an attempt to combat this, I will dedicate the first post each month to one new habit. A habit you can practice every day for the entire month. We’ll do this for 6 months.

This approach will give you a laser focus on the basics, and contribute to your overall long-term success.

My goal is to make this as easy as possible for you to follow. But therein lies the big challenge. Because as Jim Rohn used to say, “What’s easy to do is easy not to do”.

So what’s the first habit? For the month of January, I want you to focus solely on drinking more water. Yea, that’s it. At least 2 to 3 liters per day for women. And at least 3 to 4 liters per day for men.

Sounds easy, right? Well it’s not unless you intentionally focus on it and make it a priority. Remember, that’s all you need to focus on (aside from your family, work, life, etc.).

I know, you’re probably thinking, that’s it? How’s that gonna help? Believe me, it is going to help more than you realize at the moment. No quick fix. No supplements. We will develop healthy habits that you will build on every month. Healthy habits that get results!

Are you with me on this? Think you can do it?

Let’s review: For the month of January, your entire focus is to drink the recommended amount of water, every day. That’s at least 2 to 3 liters for women, and at least 3 to 4 liters for men – per day. Pure water. Not sugar-flavored or the artificially sweetened kind.


To make this happen, you need to keep it with you at all or most times. Out of sight, out of mind is not going to help you accomplish your goal.

In addition to the positive benefits of drinking water and developing a new healthy habit, you will gain the satisfaction of accomplishing a daily goal. Not too shabby.

And hey, this may also help you stop drinking things like soda or sweet teas that are not contributing to your new healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I’d love for you to let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Is the content valuable and helpful? Did anything resonate? Will you take action? What else would you like to see in future posts?

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